Quize - 1

Quize - 1

3 minute read

1➤ Which of the following does not change in a transformer ?

2➤ In a transformer the energy is conveyed from primary to secondary

3➤ A transformer core is laminated to

4➤ The degree of mechanical vibrations produced by the laminations of a transformer depends on

5➤ The no-load current drawn by transformer is usually what per cent of the full-load current ?

6➤ The path of a magnetic flux in a transformer should have

7➤ No-load on a transformer is carried out to determine

8➤ The dielectric strength of transformer oil is expected to be

9➤ Sumpner's test is conducted on trans-formers to determine

10➤ The permissible flux density in case of cold rolled grain oriented steel is around

11➤ The efficiency of a transformer will be maximum when

12➤ No-load current in a transformer

13➤ The purpose of providing an iron core in a transformer is to

14➤ Which of the following is not a part of transformer installation ?

15➤ While conducting short-circuit test on a transformer the following side is short circuited

16➤ In the transformer following winding has got more cross-sectional area

17➤ A transformer transforms

18➤ A transformer cannot raise or lower the voltage of a D.C. supply because

19➤ Primary winding of a transformer

20➤ Which winding in a transformer has more number of turns ?

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