HomeMeasurement & InstrumentationMeasurnment Instrumentaion Question And Answer - Wheatstone Bridge Balance Condition Measurnment Instrumentaion Question And Answer - Wheatstone Bridge Balance Condition Rohan Wankhade July 03, 2024 0 1] Wheatstone bridge consists of _________a) 4 resistive arms b) 2 resistive arms c) 6 resistive arms d) 8 resistive arms 2] A galvanometer is used as a _________a) current source b) voltage source c) null detector d) input impedance 3] The opposite two ends of a Wheatstone bridge consist of _________a) voltage and current source b) e.m.f and null detector c) resistance and capacitance d) inductance and impedance 4] The arms consisting of the resistances R1 and R2 are called _________a) resistance armsb) impedance armsc) source arms d) ratio arms 5] The arm consisting of the standard known resistance R3 is known as __________ a) standard arm b) resistance arm c) accurate arm d) known arm 6] Resistance R4 is known as ________ a) standard resistance b) unknown resistance to be measured c) resistance arm d) input resistance 7] What is connected between the two ends of a Wheatstone bridge? a) current and voltage source b) ammeter and voltmeter c) battery and galvanometer d) ohmmeter and wattmeter 8] Wheatstone bridge works on the principle of ________ a) full deflection b) partial deflection c) no deflection d) null deflection 9] The balance condition of a Wheatstone bridge depends on the _________ a) ratio of arms R1 and R1 b) ratio of arms R3 and R4 c) emf source and null detector d) current source and power source 10] Balance condition can be obtained by _________ a) varying the standard resistance R3 b) varying the resistance arms R1 and R2 c) keeping the unknown resistance R4 constant d) by making use of a null detector SubmitYour score is Tags Measurement & Instrumentation Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Share to other apps Measurnment Instrumentaion Question And Answer - Wheatstone Bridge Balance Condition Measurement & Instrumentation Newer Older