HomeMicroprocessorQuize On Microprocessor Quize On Microprocessor Rohan Wankhade May 07, 2024 0 1➤ Which language could be used for programming an FPGA.VerilogVHDLBoth A and BNone2➤ FPGA meansField Programmable Gate ArrayForward Programmable Gate ArrayForward Parallel Gate Array Field Parallel Gate Array 3➤ Which one of the following is not a vectored interrupt?TRAP.INTR.RST 7.5. RST 3.4➤ What is mean by ALUArithmetic logic upgradeArithmetic logic unsignedArithmetic local unsignedArithmetic logic unit5➤ In 8085 microprocessor, the RST6 instruction transfer programme execution to following location 0030H.0024H.0048H.0060H. 6➤ 8085 microprocessor has how many pins30. 39. 40. 41.7➤ In 8085 name/names of the 16 bit registers is/are stack pointer. program counter. both A and B. none of these.8➤ HLT opcode means load data to accumulator. store result in memory. load accumulator with contents of register. end of program. 9➤ The ROM programmed during manufacturing process itself is called MROM PROM EPROM EEPROM10➤ What is SIM?Select interrupt mask. Sorting interrupt mask. Set interrupt mask. None of these. SubmitYour score is Tags Microprocessor Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Share to other apps Quize On Microprocessor Microprocessor Newer Older