Electrical safety at Home

Electrical safety at Home

1 minute read
"Watt" should you check in your home ? 

Every year Electrical product malfunctions are associated with injuries and fires in the home. Keep your home and family safe by keeping this bellow points to safe your home electricity.

1) Bulb wattage : use bulbs of the correct wattage in lamps and ceilling fixtures.

2) supply cords : Replace if any cracked or damaged cord immediately.

3) Socket Outlet : If your socket outlet warm more and switches. This indicate unsafe wiring that needs show to electrical expert.

4) Extension Cords/ Powerstrips : For avoid overloading minize outlet. Plug only one high wattage appliance into each outlet at a time. Which is prevent from overheating problem.

5) Appliances : If at a time more appliances connected with only one plug, appliance may create overheating and due to occure risk of fire. For removing this risk use one plug with one socket for single appliance.

6) Fuse Box : Ensure that fuse wire or fuses are the correct size for the each circuit to avoid overheating in the wiring.

7) Circuit Breaker Box : Periodically check your circuit breakers. Turn circuit breakers on and off to confirm they are in good working condition.

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