What are the types of tariff ?

What are the types of tariff ?


In power generating station electrical energy is generated. then this electrical energy is transmitted to the substations and then reach for the consumers by through distribution or distributor. Consumer pay some amount for electrical energy where consumer consuming electrical energy like in industry, commercial site and home and many other different places where different amount of electric energy use.

The rate of electrical energy sold by different electrical companies is called tariff.

Many companies charges different rating of electric energy and recovering production cost, maintanance cost, operation cost and also earn profit. All consumers do not have same tariff for consuming electric energy. It depends upon magnitute electrical energy consumption and electrical load.

There are several types of tariff explained:

1) Simple Tariff :
Rate of per unit of energy consumed and its fixed. it does not vary with the increase or decrease of flat rate tariff. in the simple tariff different type consumer use different rate of per unit electricity consumption.

2) Block Rate Tariff : 
In this block rate tariff energy consumption is divided into the blocks. in block rate tariff first block of energy units charges are maximum then the rates reduces. in this block rate tariff gives consession to some users which more electrical consumption.

3) Two Part Tariff : 
When the rate of electrical energy is charged on the basis of maximum demand of the consumer and the units consumed, its called two part tariff.
Here total charge is split into two components: fixed charge & Running charge 

4) Maximum demand Tariff : 
Its similar to two part tariff. The only defference is that maximum demand is measured by installing maximum demand meter.

5) Power Factor (p.f) Tariff : 
The tariff in which p.f of the consumer is taken into account.

6) Three part Tariff : In the three part tariff Total charge is splitted into three parts
Fixed charge
Semi fixed charge
Running charge.
Applied for big consumers

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